Living Above Disorder was born out of a passion to inspire individuals and unlock the autonomous potential for success that we believe lies in each and every person. By unlocking this potential, we facilitate an alignment of vision and values that engenders personal achievement and professional success.

We've discovered that the implementation of these beliefs through leading change management initiatives around culture shifts and org. restructuring; providing leadership development programs and activities; training and facilitation; and executive leadership coaching and therapuetic individual coaching; begets:

  • Companies that are responsive to their communities both internally and externally; act as change agents; and fulfill their goals sustainably.

  • Leaders who are adaptable to change; communicate proactively; strategically anticipate and meet the needs of the business, others and themselves; and are able to spark and lead the vision for organizational success.

  • Professionals who are able to better define success for themselves, are motivated to perform at higher levels, and are able to find satisfaction and balance through effective planning and decision making.

  • Individuals who have connected to their value and worth; leverage their internal drivers to better respond and manage to life; and are able to craft a holistic plan that guides their success at home, work and in the community.